sports and remedial massage

what is it and what to expect?

Sports massage is the manipulation of soft tissue to improve performance and endurance, preventing injuries and loss of joint mobility in potential troubled spots. The therapist explores the tissue, working deep into the muscle to stretch and loosen tight or knotted fibres, increasing blood and oxygen supply, improving flexibility and relieving pain caused by most muscular injuries. Manipulation of injured tissue prevents adhesions forming and creating scar tissue, resulting in a faster return to activity.

Your first treatment will involve a health and well being questionnaire followed by a postural analysis and range of motion tests to identify problem areas and treatment options. Treatments will involve both soft and deep tissue massage. Soft tissue massage involves gently manipulating the muscles, to increase blood flow and warm up the muscle prior to performing deep tissue massage. A popular technique used in sports massage is trigger pointing. Trigger points are areas within muscles, which are hyperirritable and often affect an individual’s range of movement causing general weakness and pain. These are treated during the massage using repeated compression. Soft Tissue Release can also be used, and this is a combination of stretching an area and using frictions to increase mobility, decrease scarring and break down any fibrous adhesions. At the end of the treatment, Post Care Advice is always given; this usually consists of a range of exercises, which complement those given during the session. Postural and lifestyle advice can also be given.

However, if you prefer a more relaxing massage, please let us know when you book.


WHO IS IT SUITABLE FOR and what are the benefits?

 It is suitable for anyone and everyone; you do not have to be a sports person to benefit! Recommended for any injury, sports massage aids the speed of recovery, easing pain and restoring range of movement and flexibility. Treatments are beneficial both before and after any sporting event, and when done regularly can be an excellent means of preventing injuries and problems. Some of the many conditions it can benefit:

  • Tight muscles/ muscle fatigue
  • Muscular aches and pains
  • Frozen shoulder
  • Tennis/golfer’s elbow
  • Muscle spasms
  • Lower back problems/pain
  • Spinal curvatures/ Posture problems


  • Reduce muscle pain
  • Better posture
  • Lowers stress and anxiety levels
  • Improves movement
  • Reduces muscle tension and spasms
  • Enhances blood and oxygen circulation​